Rejuvenating Therapeutic Massage & Bodyworks
I was drawn to massage young in life, in that I found it a wonderful luxury to afford an overstressed mind. I found I could perform better, mentally, as well as physically after a massage.
I experienced the therapeutic effects only after having major surgery. My operations left a major scar on my abdomen. Two naturopathic doctors used deep abdominal massage to break the adhesions that had attached in various locations to my intestine. They taught me how to continue this massage until the scar had completely healed. I decided to actually study and practice massage, much later, when someone very close to me had Multiple Sclerosis. I found massage decreased the pain, eased jumpy legs, returned flexibility and range of motion, even if only for a couple of days.
I received my initial training in Deep Tissue, Structural Bodywork, Thai, and Tui Na massage at East West College of the Healing Arts in Portland, Oregon. I obtained certification in Contemporary Cupping with the International Cupping Therapy Association in Portland, OR. I have furthered my studies in Traditional Thai Yoga massage at the '"Baan Jai Center for Thai Massage Education" in Portland, OR and at "ITM Thai Hand" in Amsterdam, NL. As a professional, I’ve worked with Doctors and Chiropractors in creating long term and short term treatment plans, charting changes, and giving self-care recommendations to maximize recovery time. I have had the pleasure of working with those who have had hip replacements, varied scar tissue caused by extensive surgeries, crohns disease, fibromayalgia, whiplash, scoliosis, arthritis, and those just stuck for hours/days/weeks behind a computer. Massage isn't the cure, but it certainly helps the quality of your physical, and mental life.
I enjoy my work, I love seeing the benefits it gives. Your feedback is not only welcome but requested, as it adds to my personal development as a therapist. I look forward to working with you in the near future.
~ Faith ~